Dude you ain't to smart are ya, Go read it again and copy the part where I said RB is an Idiot to your next post. No One can promote a race and make a call to rules unless you have some kind of rules in place in which IFRT had a set of rules on their web site. GO BY YOUR WRITTEN RULES. Don't just say were doing the best we can do. IF Your Team can not give a honest ruling to your own rules Shut it down.
Here is IFRT posted Rules
1- General Rules
This is how the league will be run each week.We know this may look confusing to new drivers but trust me it is very simple. Everyone must have the VENTRILO Chat program downloaded and installed. Not only does this give us the ability to talk back and forth, but also List lineups for each race and call for restarts if needed.IF THERE ARE NO CAPTAINS ON A RACE NIGHT FOR SOME REASON THEN THE RACES WILL BE CANCELED AND RESCHEDULED FOR A LATER DATE. There will be a maximum of 3 restarts. 3rd Attempt is a go no matter what. REMEMBER WE ARE ATTEMPTING TO HAVE THE CLEANEST DRIVERS ANYWHERE. If a race has completed more than half of the laps and something happenes to the server then it will be a completed race. If less than half of the laps had been completed then it will be a complete restart.IF AT ANY TIME YOU GET DISCONNECTED OR BOOTED OFF SERVER BEFORE THE RACE STARTS WE WILL WAIT 3 MINUTES FOR YOU TO COME BACK.IF YOU DONT MAKE IT BACK IN 3 MINUTES WE WILL START WITHOUT YOU.All races will have replay saved by IFRT-Farmer and if there is a problem his replay will be final decision.IF ANY DRIVER WINS 2 CONSEQUETIVE RACES HE WILL START LAST IN THE NEXT A MAIN he qualifies for.
The newly formed complaint dept. headed by IFRT-Farmer will accept complaints in this manner ONLY!!! No matter what all finishing orders from every race will stand no matter if theres a complaint or not. No switching of spots!! No deals between drivers!!! The reason for this is with this many drivers showing up for race nights we just dont have the time to anylize every issue that may happen and get done at a reasonable hour. If you have a complaint get ahold of IFRT-Farmer he will drag you into the captains room and hear a brief explanation of your complaint. The info he will need is Driver, Which race, and approximently what lap. No decisions will be made at this time!!! At the end of the night Farmer will review all replays and decide if the complaint was a race incident or over aggresive driving. If its decided it was over aggresive driving then the over aggresive driver will be issued a penalty point. Accumulate 3 penalty points during a season and you will be suspended for the next weeks race. You can accumulate more than 1 penalty point per race night. After your 1st suspension has been served if you receive another penalty point you will be suspended 1 race for each penalty points issued. Incidents happen here and in real life learn to just accept this and understand that we here at IFRT will penalize any over aggresiveness we see necessary. No gray areas here this is exactly how we will do this.
Over Aggresive Driving explained:
To set a standard for reviewing replays here at IFRT, is what i came up with. If a driver gets hit by another driver and loses more than 1 spot the driver who made the contact will be penalized. In other words if you get hit and can fall in behind that driver we feel this is acceptable contact, loss of anymore spots than that will be deemed over aggresive driving.
1 - Lapped Cars:
If you are in an area on the track where you are not racing anyone for a posistion you are to move to outside and let faster cars go by.However if you are racing 1 or more cars continue to race for posistion and faster cars will have to work around you.
2 - Car Freezes:
If a car freezes during a race we will throw a yellow and line the cars up where they were running at the time of the frozen car. Set the laps to how many are left and continue on racing from that point.
3 - Servers:
We have 3 server's that will handle all drivers without any warp or lag. NO DIAL UP CONNECTIONS IN THIS LEAGUE!!! As long as everyone is cable or dsl we have no problems running 10 drivers. IP is listed on Ventrilo.
5 - Lining up:
Heat races will be set by randomized pill draw,All other races will lineup by finishing orders of heat race's.
6 - Provisional Points:
We no longer will award provisional points or allow sub's to fill in.
7 - Replays:
IFRT-Farmer will save all replays of each heat and main race. If there is a problem Farmer will look at his replay and make the final decision from it.
8 - Connection:
If we see a car warping excessivly you will be asked to test your connection at
www.pcpitstop.com or
www.pitspeakeasy.net and give IFRT-Farmer your results, along with your connection and cable,dsl or dialup capped speeds. If your speed is very low Farm or Taz can help possibly get your comp working and or conencting better.
9 - Penalities:
Causing another driver to wreck and that driver to lose more than 1 posistion due to over agressive driving (see explanation above), warp or a driver error--- -10 DRIVER POINTS.
Revenge type or payback taking out of another driver--- -15 DRIVER POINTS and a 1 week suspension.
"Kamakazi" Move into the corner, Not lifting when a driver is on the outside and causing that driver on the outside to be put in the fence or sent outside the track, ACCIDENTAL OR INTENTIONAL--- -10 DRIVER POINTS.
A car about to be lapped by ANY driver and holds the faster car up for more than 1 lap--- -10 DRIVER POINTS.Unless racing for posistion,look at top under lapped cars.
Actions detrimental to Team-IFRT and the League.--- These can be fighting amongst drivers, losing tempers on the server or in the public ventrilo chat. Any action from any driver deemed to cause The team and league to look bad or lose face in the community. If you have a problem choose a empty channel and hash it out there not in front of the group.--- -20 DRIVER POINTS AND A 1 WEEK SUSPENSION.
10 - Warnings:
If at any point during the season the IFRT-Farmer feel's a driver is doing something or acting or driving in a way that jeopardizes races or the integrity of this team and league, he will be given 1 warning to change. If at ANY point from this meeting on the driver continues to act in the way addressed by IFRT-Farmer then the driver in question will be removed from the remaining races of the season being run and will not be allowed to race on thursdays. He may practice but will not be allowed to race on Thursday until IFRT-Farmer feels and approves that the problem has been resolved.
11 - Ventrilo Chat:
All drivers must have Ventrilo Chat dled and use it at all times. On practice nights there will be non-restricted chat during races. On Race Night's their will be no chat during the races while they are being run. Before and after you can chat.Races on race night are to be conducted in a business like manner. All other times its open chat anytime.
12 - Driver Disconnection from server during race:
If a driver suffers a disconnection from the server due to his computer within the last 3 laps of a race you will get your spot back upon approval from the driver behind you at the time and the captains. If you get disconnected before that your finishing place will be determined by the server log.