np Jon I didn't mind it. You're as fast and faster than me at some tracks and if you keep playing I'm sure that list will grow. I mean you were faster than me the other night at Susquehanna and just made maybe one mistake. So just keep going fast and getting smooth and you'll be running up front every race.
I've told this to a couple people but since I'm on a controller, and I'm sure this works for any other thing you use, I just focus on being smooth. I use the analog stick to turn and sometimes I'll consciously notice that I'm turning more than I should/have to in the corners. So the next lap I will turn as little as possible and as smooth as possible while still running the same line and I'll pick up half a tenth or more. A good example is Kokomo, if I drive normal and hit like a 57-59 I can tell myself that I'm steering it too hard and the next lap I'll run smoother and hit a 52-55. But you have to literally tell yourself not to turn as much until you get it down pat and are smooth as you can be. Try to be smooth on the throttle, too. Since I'm on an Xbox controller I can do that but I know some controllers it's all or nothing.