Replying to a Comment made by Wheel after he was complained about for wrecking someone:
that's fine I'll keep doin what I do and if people have a prob with it they can stop racing, and I race as clean and lift for every1 as every1 races me, people are so mad that I win for some reason they have find excuses to hate on me. and I feel bad for people tht have to use fake names...
Well 18, i must be the only one with balls enough to say it, but I dont have to use a fake name to call you an arrogant doubt you know how to win, but you also take advantage of new drivers as well, such as people like hoots, ehh its just hoots so by all means lets punt him out of the way, screw the respect issue, im VLR_18 and if i dont win then nobody does. Mr. DTR2 has no life but to just practice various race games, man i could prob win every race too if i took my teenage yrs practicing for a video game..notice everytime you wreck a higher caliber driver, "man that other guy was pingin, i got ran over from behind. just like jsn the other night, you know exactly what happened, as i sat right behind you and watched it happen, VLR 18 had a scare and wasnt gonna qualify, so he ruins everyone elses night and blames other guys. ill be the first one to tell you your an arrogant prick, just cause your win races doesnt make friends man...i may not win every race, but i come on to have fun and make friends like i have, just like you say "if people have a problem with it they can stop racing" i have a problem with it, and if you expect me to stop racing you can lick the underside of my balls, cause your no greek god, your the same type of species sitting behind a computer screen like the rest of us. and i know exactly who "Ran Over is" my guess is v6!
so in my opinion, from here on out, people oughta just give it back to you and show you your not a god, evveryones letting off letting you by cause oh no its VLR_18 i dont want him mad at me cause for some reason new drivers are intimidated by you, but ill tell ya if you ever race me again like you did in that b main at kokomo for the qualifying spot and ram me outta the way, you can expect it back, cause unlike the rest, im DEFFFFF not afraiid of wrecking the 18 machine..
king* 8)