I kinda get it with Rhino but obviously need a lot more confidence especially after accidentally moving track over while building the pit lane entrance, and I wonder why I bothered doin one but hey... One learns from mistakes. Luckily from years of some experience I always save a copy of previous edit. I have been doin both Rhino and with manual editing sadly as the fine points are tricky to load up to move. I'm not too old to learn a new thing.
Anyhoo, getting back to you Shock... That editor of yours I can't wait for and hope there are others too who are keen to try it out as taking something like a Stadium like you have and adding it to different sized track is going to be great stuff. I've got far enough to try it on this test track of mine being of course WVMS as it's a real simple track DTR-SC which is why I chose it to learn Rhino on....
Heres what I have so far. The poles on both sides are moved by Rhino but sadly had to be fixed with De2 edit. The pits with Trucks I did move with Rhino twice as you did suggest and yes I manged that.
As you will see the Pit exit is somewhat in need of more work so will continue on. Rhino is quicker which ever way you look. I'm a leaner at 68 so will make mistakes..., but prefer to learn this now before I'm too much in pain to even handle De2 which is important for me to get this sorted. Thankyou Shock.