Ray...just wanted to say thanks man for all the time and effort you have been putting into Pennsboro 2k12 for the past couple of months.The progress you have made just in the last week alone has been nothing short of awesome man! For everyone that dont know this was the track that was scheduled since the beginning for the DTR2 Race'n Nation's Midnight Madness Series Championship Race which has been scheduled for tonight.Last week Ray put everything he was working on on hold in order to put forth extra effort to finish Pennsboro 2k12 for tonights race.However with all the extra time Ray has spent and the progress he has made it is still not quite ready for release.This is a good thing though for Pennsboro_2k12. I feel kind of bad for pressuring him to try and have it ready for tonight though.He has spent many hours on this track and deserves not to have me or anyone for that matter pressuring him to hurry up.With that being said I just want to apologise to you Ray for adding any pressure to you.I do want you to take your time and get this grand ol- dame the very best possible which I know you will do and that it will take time.
The old Pennsboro that VLR_Matt had put together way back in 2001 has been the only Pennsboro that we have had.Very few times have we used it though because of some of the issues it had.However last night Shock and I got together and discussed these issues.I told him what I thought would help to make this a worthwhile track and asked if he would take a look into it to see if he could possibly correct the issues that I had with it.Well...long story short he said he believed he could correct them and that he would give it a try but after checking it out come back to me and said he could possibly have it good enough for us to use tonight but probably not until about 3 or 4 pm this afternoon.I thought well hey this will be great! However... in just a few hours he amazingly had resurrected Pennsboro_2001 now known has Pennsboro_01 v2.We have tested it and behold it is nothing short of amazing!Not only did he correct the issues it had but he also clean it up and made some additional edits that has this track now very racey and in great condition compared to its old state.Thank you Shock very much for taking the time to do this.It isnt a Pennsboro_2k12 but its a hell of a lot better than what we had and will certianly work until Ray is able to complete 2k12.
I found it to be a blast and I believe the others that tested it did too.I think ya'll are gonna like it and for anyone who makes it out to tonights race is going to have a blast there also. There is one slight issue that will need to be addressed before the race tonight but I have faith that Shock will have that taken care of.That issue is something invisible off of the inside wall coming off of turn 4.So if you have all ready downloaded it just remember this and that has soon as this is fixed you'll need to delete it and download the corrected version.I havent spoke to Shock yet this morning but I'm sure he can fix his issue in a just a few min.
So there ya have it folks.Pennsboro is on for tonight.We will use Pennsboro_01 v2 for now and hopefully this has taken some pressure off of Ray so that he can work on 2k12 without any pressure to be rushed. Ray my hat is off to you for where you are at on 2k12 and know it will be awesome once complete. Shock my hat is also off to you for the quik fix you made in order to get us this track in useable condition for tonight.Whether you are editing an all ready made track like Shock has done or starting from scratch and making a totaly new one like Ray is doing it is a lot of work and takes a unique talent.Shock,Ray,Flyer,Jammin and anyone else that makes these tracks you guys are the best!Everyone in this game should have nothing but respect and gratitude for what you guys do.Thank you each n every one of you editors!
I will get something posted later today on the format for tonights race.Really sorry I havent gotten it done sooner,but we'll get-r-done I promise. So stay tuned to teamvlr.com for an update later today.