(i do believe in keepin kids safe)
are [bleep] kiddin me?
you cant have an opinion?
what the [bleep] is this country comin to?
he prolly some some snaggle tooth crack [bleep] floppin her knee length teet in aisle 3 with the cookies
and screw that "dumb [bleep]" that he called a dumb [bleep]
someone needs to tell her [bleeeeeeep] to shut up and get back in the kitchen where she can burn toast and feed her 15 mentally handicapped kids
this is why i need to hire a personal intern to follow me around and take notes of what i say all day long
for [bleep] sake , people need to relax
all these crybaby little panties need to grow up
the world is a horrible mean place
id like just once for one of my drunk rants at a dirt track to be put on the internet/twitter/facebook and social media outlets
[bleep] uptard syndrom - really? at oakshade they took a special break to have uptards go thru the crowd with helmets on collecting money -- i say uptards , cuz thats what they called them on the loud speaker
are you kidding me? they are obviously makin fun of the "RETARDS"
one of the my favorites to yell is "take off your leg" in reference to a stripper who i saw take off her leg - makin fun of people? hell ya i am
another good one - just yell out "whte power" anywhere and everywhere
oh another good one - this works best when you get on the loud speaker at any store - "dont be a [bleep]"
my favorite has t be when we were at lernerville one time , there was a big fire off the back stretch somewhere locally (not at the track) and someone said "whats all the smoke over there" i replied "thats where theyre burning all the jws"
for [bleep] sake people , they are just words , opinions , when did our big tough manly country puss out??
enough for one morning i suppose
dumb [bleep] and sympathetic public need to wake up and smell the [bleep] on thier chest left by the one legged stripper in the middle of the night - you just got baptised [bleeeeeeeep]
there we go , couple vowels removed
More than just the few vowels removed...