lol Jammin' ... that's a good sign
Not sure if this is a sign of aging, but here's a sign I think Rusty's aging.... When I drive, I don't drive recklessly, but I like to get where I'm going in a timely manner.
When Rusty's in the car, he thinks the passenger side has brakes for some reason. A car that's a mile up the road will tap its brakes, and Rusty slams on the passenger side brakes.
He was on the phone with his mom the last time we drove up to the mountains, a car slams on its brakes a good ways ahead of us ... he screams like a girl and is literally stomping his feet on the floor, while he's trying to jump in the backseat! None the less, I didn't even come close to hitting the car in front of us. Never laughed that hard in my life!!!
Now on the other end, Rusty drives me nuts when he drives too. He'll be in the right hand lane and get irritated b/c the person in front of us is going like 10 miles under the speed limit. So he gets in the left lane, forgets he's in the fast lane and slows down to 10 miles under the speed limit himself. Then we get a line of ticked off drivers behind us in the left lane. I'm like, "Rusty, speed up, ppl are getting mad at us!" He says "It's not like I'm not going the speed limit" ... I say, "You're not, you're going 60 in a 70." Then he speeds up to like 90 mph. UGH!!
Love you Rusty!!!!