I figured out how to do it!
1. Save the track that starts out as the size you want in a 3DM file. Like I'm making a fairground mile out of Terre Haute and Indy State Fair is a mile long. I saved Indy State Fair as a 3DM.
2. Import this track into your track's 3DM. I imported Indy into Terre Haute. Make sure control points are only visible on your track you're going to resize.
3. Take your whole track and resize it to the other track. I stretched out Terre to fit the track part of Indy horizontally first, then vertically. I'm making turn one wider since the AI crashes into the inner wall.
4. If you don't know how to edit the ALP files, delete every bit of text on the ALP, and put "num meshes 0" at the top.
5. You will need to copy the AI folder and LT files from the track you fit your track to. I copied these from Indy to Randle Fairgrounds (my track), and adjusted them as needed.
6. Begin the rest of your track project! I'll release my mile when I can! But I think this only works with regular ovals, unless you reshape a regular oval to a tri oval, or a tri oval to a regular oval.