i am forever leaving online racing i might race browser every once and awhile but never ever in a league again. thank you all who helped me along theese 6th months that i raced this game (as i now call the biggest waste of my life) thank you to, Geisler
always my friend on this game, Hoover, Jason, Mcgee always had a lot of respect for ya, and Wheel and DS5 and shock the best drivers in the game. And anyone who i missed.
I realize that the only thing i brought to this game is bullsh!t and i am sorry for that, kev, gage, lazy, F1yer, Deadbolt, king and whoever else.
Finally to everybody: may god bless you all, stay safe, and well have a good rest of your life because this is the last you will be hearing from me. (go Wisconsin racers
Yours Truly, ATR*Eric41
i hope this game does nothing but grow maybe i will see some of you guys down the road but not for awhile.