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offline series 12 years 7 months ago #37894

can somone tell me how to get some of these tracks to run in offline series? batsville. orange co lawrenceburg lasall wayne co etc.. i put them in a seires they wont show up. i put one like husets in the same seires it will show up. thanks

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Re: offline series 12 years 7 months ago #37895

has to look something like this

[event 1]

track = DTR2Eagle
cost = 120
practise laps = 10
qualifying prize money = 200
heat laps = 10
heat money maximum = 300

[event 2]

track = WilliamsGrove
cost = 80
practise laps = 10
qualifying prize money = 180
heat laps = 10
heat money maximum = 200
A main laps = 20
A main money maximum = 12750
B main laps = 20
B main money maximum = 0
C main laps = 20
C main money maximum = 0
D main laps = 20
D main money maximum = 0
E main laps = 20
E main money maximum = 0
F main laps = 20
F main money maximum = 0
G main laps = 20
G main money maximum = 0
H main laps = 20
H main money maximum = 0
appearance money = 150
sponsor appeal = 2.500000

[event 3]

track = Thunderbird
cost = 100
practise laps = 10
qualifying prize money = 220
heat laps = 15
heat money maximum = 340
A main laps = 30
A main money maximum = 14600
B main laps = 20
B main money maximum = 0
C main laps = 20
C main money maximum = 0
D main laps = 20
D main money maximum = 0
E main laps = 20
E main money maximum = 0
F main laps = 20
F main money maximum = 0
G main laps = 20
G main money maximum = 0
H main laps = 20
H main money maximum = 0
appearance money = 165
sponsor appeal = 2.500000

[event 4]

track = DTR2Terrehaute
cost = 90
practise laps = 10
qualifying prize money = 190
heat laps = 10
heat money maximum = 280
A main laps = 22
A main money maximum = 19000
B main laps = 20
B main money maximum = 0
C main laps = 20
C main money maximum = 0
D main laps = 20
D main money maximum = 0
E main laps = 20
E main money maximum = 0
F main laps = 20
F main money maximum = 0
G main laps = 20
G main money maximum = 0
H main laps = 20
H main money maximum = 0
appearance money = 170
sponsor appeal = 2.500000

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Re: offline series 12 years 7 months ago #37897

One more thing, make sure you have the all tracks that you want to run all in your track folder. Other wise you get ..............................................................................

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Re: offline series 12 years 7 months ago #37903

i do it just like this. but the tracks i listed wont let the seires show up. i can use eagle husets even some other tracks i down loaded and the they will work. theres a dozen or so i cant get to work.

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Re: offline series 12 years 7 months ago #37904

i cant click on the chat the page got all goofy

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Re: offline series 12 years 7 months ago #37905

  • F1yer
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make sure ur using the track folder name and not the in game name
Better eat them fuckin vitamins kiddies.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Diceman99

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Re: offline series 12 years 7 months ago #37906

Inside you data folder you need to have a series folder. if not make create one. then inside that you need to have a folder name it anything you want like test series. then inside that folder have the .str file..... and the top

of the str file is this

class = (class of which cars you want to run in here)
difficulty = 14.000000
num events = 10
large series = (1for6)

[display names]

english = (name of your series)

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Re: offline series 12 years 7 months ago #37907

BLS_F1yer wrote: make sure ur using the track folder name and not the in game name

This helps also, I forgot to mention that!

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Re: offline series 12 years 7 months ago #37908

thanks i know how to do all that. it is just some tracks wont let the seires show up. if i change the tracks to one that i already use in a seires it will work thanks again.

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Re: offline series 12 years 7 months ago #37909

  • J-MAC
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Certian tracks can't be used in offline series. I've seen people say that OCFS will work offline and I've never been able to get it to work. Some tracks work some don't so its really a guess if you have trcks that are able to be used.
A main wins: 151*'

B main wins: 50

C main wins: 5

D main wins: 1

Dash wins: 133

Heat race wins: 339***

Championships: 15*

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Re: offline series 12 years 7 months ago #37911

class = Late Model
difficulty = 20.000000
num events = 3
large series = 0

[display names]

english = BUCKEYE2 LM Series
french = BUCKEYE2 LM Series
german = BUCKEYE2 LM Series
italian = BUCKEYE2 LM Series
spanish = BUCKEYE2 LM Series

heat points maximum = 10
heat points difference = 2
heat points minimum = 2
mains points maximum = 30
mains points difference = 2
mains points minimum = 5
position 0 money = 600000

[event 0]

cost = 10
practise laps = 5
qualifying prize money = 10000
heat laps = 8
heat money maximum = 15000
A main laps = 20
A main money maximum = 500000
B main laps = 8
B main money maximum = 20000
C main laps =6
C main money maximum = 015000
D main laps = 6
D main money maximum = 8000
E main laps = 6
E main money maximum = 0
F main laps = 6
F main money maximum = 0
G main laps = 6
G main money maximum = 0
H main laps = 6
H main money maximum = 0
appearance money = 20000
sponsor appeal = 200.00000

[event 1]

cost = 10
practise laps = 5
qualifying prize money = 10000
heat laps = 8
heat money maximum = 15000
A main laps = 20
A main money maximum = 500000
B main laps = 8
B main money maximum = 20000
C main laps =6
C main money maximum = 015000
D main laps = 6
D main money maximum = 8000
E main laps = 6
E main money maximum = 0
F main laps = 6
F main money maximum = 0
G main laps = 6
G main money maximum = 0
H main laps = 6
H main money maximum = 0
appearance money = 20000
sponsor appeal = 200.00000

[event 2]

cost = 10
practise laps = 5
qualifying prize money = 10000
heat laps = 8
heat money maximum = 15000
A main laps = 20
A main money maximum = 500000
B main laps = 8
B main money maximum = 20000
C main laps =6
C main money maximum = 015000
D main laps = 6
D main money maximum = 8000
E main laps = 6
E main money maximum = 0
F main laps = 6
F main money maximum = 0
G main laps = 6
G main money maximum = 0
H main laps = 6
H main money maximum = 0
appearance money = 20000
sponsor appeal = 200.00000
i tried this one it wont work.

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Re: offline series 12 years 7 months ago #37934

de2 filename = MUSKINGUM COUNTY SPEEDWAY v3.de2
sky colour = {24,33,76}
fog start = 10000.000000
fog stop = 70000.000000
texel target = 4096
d3d texture 256 = 0.480000
d3d texture 128 = 0.210000
d3d texture 64 = 0.080000
d3d texture 32 = 0.080000
d3d texture alpha = 3
exclusion file = exclude.txt
length = 1/2
banking = 25
practice cost = 60
show watertruck = 1
dry out factor = 2.000000
dtr1 = 0

[display names]

english = MCSv3

Have you tried to insert it with the track as this MCSv3 or


One of those should work?

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Re: offline series 12 years 7 months ago #38022

thanks i got some to work using the folder name. i was going in the track file and using the display name it wont work that way lol... thanks again

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