babyboy200488 wrote: Ive been trying to download anything and everything that is late models. I love late Models and I'm trying to get new cars, skins and even classes so I can race wore than just the plain classes on the game. I just recently tried to get the World of Outlaws package for the game and it wont open. Ive downloaded whatever from the website and then I try and extract it to the game and nothing. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
The best thing to do is download teamviewer and have one of us walk you through the process once...or you can log on yahoo, then hop in a vent channel and let us walk you through that way. My yahoo is stephenskaggs2004 I will help you anytime you catch me on man. In the meantime try downloading some cars and skins from my site. or my team's download page
Here is kind of a "fool proof" way to get them into your game. You Don't have to follow these instructions...and I understand there are thousands of ways to do this but this is what has worked best for me!
1. The first thing you need to do is find the location of your DTR2 game. Create a shortcut to this folder on your desktop and name it "DTR2 Game Folder". This will ensure that your always putting stuff in the correct place because I've got several drives on my computer and when I installed the game it installed on 4 of the 7 drives I've got for some reason. Anyway....
2. Once you have your shortcut you will then to go into your game folder. You see a list of game files like this.....
sponsors etc....
3. Open your data folder and create the following "new folders"
Once this is done then you can start place your downloaded files into your game.
4. The most common issue I had at first was place folders with folders inside of them into the game so to prevent that I always download the file to my desktop even self extracting files. This way I know exactly where they go because I place them their.
5. Once you have the file on your desktop it will most likely be zipped or compressed so you will need to extract or unzip or extract if a self extracting file. Once again do this to your desktop.
6. When you get an unzipped file or regular looking folder open it and make sure its not a folder inside a folder, if so you'll have to take the folder inside...not the first one your opened.
7. Now you can either copy and paste them or just drag them into your game folders which you will now have a shortcut right there on your desktop to save you from having to search through your computer to find it.....
The most common problems people have when attempting this is they place files in the wrong folders. or they try to put stuff in the game while the game is running. The only thing that I know you can put into the game while it is open is setups. So anything else make sure your game is closed and make sure you do the following:
Chassis in Cars folder
Skins in Skins folder
Setups in Setups folder
Tracks in Tracks folder
Hoped this helps BadBoy...and like I said add me on yahoo, stephenskaggs2004 and I'll help ya any chance I get! Good luck and see ya on the track man!!
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